Posts filed under ‘global economy’

Palin: a very ordinary person

lipstick on a pig Apparently Sarah Palin has attracted a great deal of support because people identify with her; because she appears to be an ordinary person, “just like you and me”. The truth is, successful politicians are not ordinary people. They have highly specialised skills, knowledge and experience. Such qualities are kind of necessary when managing a national economy or facing a potential global crisis. Anyone who disagrees with this should consider running for office.

In response to questions on Palin’s foreign policy credentials, supporters have said that she must have a good grasp of foreign policy as Alaska is close to Russia. Perhaps she also has a strong grasp of space policy; Mount McKinley is in Alaska and quite close to space.

The New York Times called her “a tyrannical woman who pursues vendettas and fires people who cross her.” She made an ex schoolmate director of the State Division of Agriculture after citing her childhood love of cows as a qualification for the job. She has also had her office ring to berrate bloggers who posted material that offended her. Perhaps I’d better be careful as to what I say about her. No matter what your opinion of Palin’s ‘pro choice’ pro NRA evangelism might be you’d have to admit her leadership credentials are a bit shaky.

The U.S. and the world now faces an economic crisis, possibly of the dimensions of the great depression. A McCain/Palin adminstration would only continue the distastrous economic policies put in place by George Bush. Ill advised tax cuts, a highly expensive war and mounting levels of private and national debt have brought about the current crisis. China is one of America’s largest creditors and seems set to become the new global super power.

Now is surely not the time to elect an ‘ordinary person’ with little economic or foreign policy experience. Only an extraordinary leader has any chance of dealing with the challenges which loom on the horizon.

September 15, 2008 at 2:47 pm 1 comment

Lame Ducks

Has no one noticed that Wayne Swan looks rather like a duck? Considering his name and the uncanny resemblance, it’s surprising that more cartoonists haven’t made milage out of it. Sorry about the silly picture Wayne; I really couldn’t resist. The serious issue here is the current obsession with basic commodities like petrol prices, groceries etc. Do people really think that the government has any real control over such things? Surely they realise that imports are part of a global economy and as such can’t really be controlled. As far as petrol goes, if anyone wants to play a blame game here they should be pointing a finger at previous governments for not exploring viable alternatives to petrol. It has been increasingly obvious for many years that a fuel crisis would develop sooner or later.

Certainly ‘working families are hurting because of the skyrocketing price of fuel, high grocery prices and interest rates. Any government would need to address such issues to ensure political survival. Ultimately, these issues are a distraction; people can’t expect a goverment to do what it can’t, however much they would like them to.

People should be expecting the government to focus on areas where it can have some influence, such as dismantling the diabolical ‘Work Choices’ policy of the Howard goernment. This was an area that most people did very quickly see for what it was; a bad joke. The very name ‘Work Choices’ was a joke; the only choices most workers were being offered by their bosses was ‘my way or the highway’.

Government can exercise meaningful control over areas, like:

  • developing a more compassionate immigration policy (no more children behind razor wire please)
  • a more reasonable approach to the Nothern Territory intervention and indigenous affairs
  • a more equitable and efficient health system
  • an improved education system
  • a telecommunications/broadband network that doesn’t lag years behind the rest of the world
  • an improved public transport system
  • a more progressive environmental policy

These are areas towards which the Rudd government has at least made some positive moves. Wayne Swan can be partially forgiven for his anatine appearance.

June 1, 2008 at 4:38 am 1 comment

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